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Electric Vehicle Rebate Program

The province is strengthening its commitment to address climate change and grow the economy with its new Electric Vehicle Rebate program.

“Nova Scotia is a national leader in fighting climate change by reducing emissions,” said Chuck Porter, Minister of Energy and Mines. “Use of electric vehicles and bikes can build on our successes by reducing transportation emissions even further.”


The rebate program, is now accepting applications for rebates on new and used electric vehicles, plug-in hybrids, and electric pedal assist bicycles (e-bikes).


The intent of this program is to allow Nova Scotians of varying income levels to take part in the shift to clean transportation.

The Clean Foundation will administer the point-of-sale rebate program through auto dealers and bicycle retailers. The foundation has been delivering Nova Scotia’s Next Ride electric vehicle engagement and test drive campaign since 2019.


Rebate program information is available on the Clean Foundation’s electric vehicle information ew electric vehicles who qualify for the federal government’s Zero-Emission Vehicles program are also eligible for the provincial rebate.



“This rebate program will help put more electric vehicles on the road, improving air quality and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We are pleased to see e-bike rebates, which will support a cleaner, more active future for our province.”

Erin Burbidgedirector of program and policyClean Foundation


Quick Facts:

  • a $500 rebate is available for e-bikes with a retail value of $1,200 and higher
  • the rebate program is in addition to the $5,000 federal rebate available for new electric vehicles
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